I have bought one a couple of years ago and used it with my old beatbass replica and I've bought another one recently for my new Höfner beatbass.
The old one fit perfectly, had no issues with it and if I had written a review back then it would've been a perfect 5/5. It has some wear and tear but it held up nicely. I don't have to worry about my instrument while it's in the case.
The new one has a few issues though. It doesn't close as nicely as the first one, I have to apply some force to the locks to make it close. At first I thought the bass was being held firm and snug inside, but after a while I noticed the pickguard is bent. The first case I purchased held it tight, but didn't press hard against the instrument, this one is a bit rough. Although I feel safe my bass won't move around too much, I fear the case might've done some minor damage to it already.
The quality of the product just isn't consistent enough for me to write a good review. I will be buying a Höfner case next time, for a few euro more I won't have to worry about the quality of the product I get.