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Uzyskaj 90 dni Guitareo za darmo przy zakupie w Thomann!
Podnieś poziom swoich lekcji gry na gitarze dzięki ekskluzywnej ofercie od Thomann i Guitareo Przy zakupie tej gitary w okresie od 03.12.2024 do 28.02.2025 otrzymasz 90-dniowy dostęp do Guitareo gratis. Po wysłaniu zamówienia otrzymasz klucz licencyjny, a także link do pobrania wysłany automatycznie e-mailem. Dostęp do Guitareo jest jednorazowy i kończy się automatycznie na koniec okresu.
Wliczone w 90-dniowy bezpłatny okres:H3>
Expert Lessons: Ucz się od najlepszych gitarzystów na świecie dzięki instrukcjom wideo krok po kroku, treningom, wyzwaniom i kursom.
Practice Tools: Uzyskaj dostęp do różnych narzędzi zaprojektowanych, aby pomóc Ci ćwiczyć mądrzej, a nie ciężej.
Thousands of Guitareless Tracks: Graj razem ze swoimi ulubionymi utworami, zmieniaj tempo i zapętlaj trudne fragmenty.
Community Support: Dołącz do pełnej pasji społeczności gitarzystów, którzy podzielają Twoją miłość do muzyki.LI>
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This was my first real guitar and I hope to use it in the future for playing live and recording
If you want a Gibson Les Paul but ain't got the money for it, The Epiphone Les Paul Classic is basically a Gibson Les Paul but with a lower price. I played on a Gibson before and after playing this one it was evident that there was no difference. The only difference was the headstock where instead being labeled "Gibson" it's labeled as "Epiphone".
This beautiful piece brings 2 Alnico Pro Custom humbuckers which sound beautiful. Not only brings these amazing pickups but the guitar also features CTS Eletronics which mean there's coil-splitting and a phase switcher which is always nice since it brings more variety to the guitar's configurations | The weight is good for the guitar it is. It's not heavy but also not light | The color finishing in this guitar is one of the most beautiful finishes I've seen on a guitar. If you put this thing on the sunlight you'll be stunned by how astonoshing this thing is
Now this was more of a personal experience. It might not happen to you but if it does there's no harm done. One of the volume pots got loose and kept falling off however with a piece of tin foil I managed to fix that little problem.
Overall, for the price that it's offered for an Epiphone Les Paul. I can say you'll be more than served. It's a great guitar and isn't as expensive as a Gibson. This thing plays like a real Gibson Les Paul and you'll be more than satisfied with this guitar if you're looking for that Les Paul sound
I had to wait 4/2 months for my order but it was worth waiting for the Epiphone played great straight out of the box fantastic I love it
The casei ordered it great nice and solid
Well done Thomann thanks
A bit of fine tuning/adjustment required but quality of materials and sustain is good in general. However, push-pull volume knob of neck pickup loosened after a couple of push-pull usage and couldn't grip the pot enough for push-pull action anymore, just in the very first week, Had to send it back for inspection&service.