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Informacja: Aby opinie na temat sprzętu umieszczane na naszej stronie pochodziły jedynie od osób mających styczność z danym artykułem, umożliwiamy wystawianie ocen jedynie naszym klientom.
Opinie można wystawiać po zalogowaniu się w centrum klienta, używając opcji "wystaw opinię".
Best Eurorack sequencer I have owned, and I have a fair few. But this is by far the easiest to use, both for getting the results you want and for improvising on the fly. Simple operation that belies its many capabilities. No deep menu diving, but an informative screen gives instant feedback on the current state of all 4 lanes. A joy to create a bunch of sequences and then string them together on the fly. Brilliant. And support is ongoing and good, so more features expected. However, the unit is 100% complete and useable as it is, so no worries. Get one now. Really.
Best Eurorack sequencer I have owned, and I have a fair few. But this is by far the easiest to use, both for getting the results you want and for improvising on the fly. Simple operation that belies its many capabilities. No deep menu diving, but an informative screen gives instant feedback on the current state of all 4 lanes. A joy to create a bunch of sequences and
Best Eurorack sequencer I have owned, and I have a fair few. But this is by far the easiest to use, both for getting the results you want and for improvising on the fly. Simple operation that belies its many capabilities. No deep menu diving, but an informative screen gives instant feedback on the current state of all 4 lanes. A joy to create a bunch of sequences and then string them together on the fly. Brilliant. And support is ongoing and good, so more features expected. However, the unit is 100% complete and useable as it is, so no worries. Get one now. Really.
Easy and quick to use with loads of good features and a display that can be read by people with normal eyesight (unlike some). Hardly any menu diving, most functions are a button or shift+button press and each step has its own knob making things even quicker. Above all, the design is very intuitive making it a joy to drive. I am considering getting a second one because I have found nothing to match it.
Easy and quick to use with loads of good features and a display that can be read by people with normal eyesight (unlike some). Hardly any menu diving, most functions are a button or shift+button press and each step has its own knob making things even quicker. Above all, the design is very intuitive making it a joy to drive. I am considering getting a second one
Easy and quick to use with loads of good features and a display that can be read by people with normal eyesight (unlike some). Hardly any menu diving, most functions are a button or shift+button press and each step has its own knob making things even quicker. Above all, the design is very intuitive making it a joy to drive. I am considering getting a second one because I have found nothing to match it.