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Replaced the nylon nut on a 335 with this.
There's a noticeable imrpovement with TUSQ both in tuning stability and sound.
It fits perfect, but this is a job better left to a professional.
The guitar tunes up without that annoying "ping" sound when strings stick on the nut. Also better attack, sustain and fretted notes match the open strings much better. And yes, I believe it is a better choice than bone. Unless vintage correct is what you go for.
I see no reason using anything else anymore in my work.
Great product and creates a nice bright sound. It took a couple for me to get the action right. It was also a bit challenging to figure out which nut would best fit the guitar. But excellent quality price
I changed the original nut on my LP Standard after more than a decade of playing and it fits well and sounds very good. I was worried about the sound and the feeling but everything is just as the original one