I got this board as I now have a fair few more pedals than the two I used to have and am expanding so need the extra space. I plan to put about another 5 pedals on the board. This pedalboard is very good, extremely high quality and very sturdy, I can stand on it and I weigh 90kg, so that just says how strong it is! I was originally going to get a pedaltrain board but this is I think half the price of the equivalent pedaltrain model so I reluctantly bought it not having any reviews to go on. But yea, its a brilliant board with tons of space which is just what I needed as I have a few large pedals like the EHX Germanium 4 big muff.
One thing I would have liked is some valcro underneath to mount the a power supply rather than the hair band things supplied with it, but thats something I can do easy anyway.
All in all if you are on a tight budget like me but need a large boardthen this is the pedalboard for you.