This case is visually very elegant and seems to be stable and reliable despite being extremely light to carry. The shoulder-strap clips seem secure and unlikely to slip out.
I wish the compartment at the end was just a fraction larger, since it won't quite fit packs of strings lying flat. You have to stack them at a slant to fit them in, which takes up vertical space that could have been used for something else.
Note that you need to reshape the foam in the section below the violin neck and in the lining at the bow tip to make it fit. At the bow tip you need to reach in under a covered section to do this, which can be a little awkward. At the neck this seems to be a feature rather than a bug (in order to fit each fiddle precisely), though at the bow tip I can't see a reason for it. But it's not hard to fix.
All in all I'm very happy with the purchase: functionally it does all it's supposed to, the price is very fair, while visually the case is extremely elegant (which was the main point I cared about, after years with an ugly but functional one).