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Really good dual overdrive that excels in low to medium gain tones. Ideal for blues and classic rock.
Channel 1 is my favorite. Very open sounding with nice edge of break up tones. Channel 2 is quite similar with more mid range. The sweet spot gain wise is between 12 and 2 o'clock. After that its too compressed for me. Sounds great stacked.
Overall a great pedal. For me just a notch below the King of Tone and Fulldrive 2 (My personal favorites).
Really good dual overdrive that excels in low to medium gain tones. Ideal for blues and classic rock.
Channel 1 is my favorite. Very open sounding with nice edge of break up tones. Channel 2 is quite similar with more mid range. The sweet spot gain wise is between 12 and 2 o'clock. After that its too compressed for me. Sounds great stacked.
Overall a great
Really good dual overdrive that excels in low to medium gain tones. Ideal for blues and classic rock.
Channel 1 is my favorite. Very open sounding with nice edge of break up tones. Channel 2 is quite similar with more mid range. The sweet spot gain wise is between 12 and 2 o'clock. After that its too compressed for me. Sounds great stacked.
Overall a great pedal. For me just a notch below the King of Tone and Fulldrive 2 (My personal favorites).
A well built, classy sounding pedal. It is a low gain boot on one side and a medium gain overdrive on the other. Both sound great on their own but stacked together they can get you into scream/wail territory.