Do treści strony

Beat Magazin Bvrst

MPC Expansion

  • Expansion pack for Akai MPC products
  • Ultra deep bass and raw lead sounds for house, future bass, EDM or drum & bass
  • Provides 70 bass sounds and 39 hybrid sounds that can also be used as leads
  • Contains 1.52 GB of samples in 109 Keygroup Programs
  • Audio demos for each preset
  • System requirements: Akai models Force, MPC One, MPC X, MPC Live, MPC Live mkII, MPC Touch, MPC Renaissance, MPC Beats and Akai MPC software.
Produkt dostępny od Luty 2022
Numer artykułu 538845
Jednostka sprzedaży 1 szt.
59 zł
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