I had been playing guitar for over two decades, and bass for about a decade before I bought this item. Inspired, as I'm sure so many others were, seeing its big sister in the Beatles Get Back documentary by Peter Jackson.
This is a fun little toy. I won't deny it takes some getting used to. It's not a guitar, nor is it a bass. The best I could describe the feeling is like playing a guitar with bass strings, but even that is not fully accurate. I always play bass with my fingers, never a pick, and so the closeness of the strings means that you kind of have to adapt your playing a little bit.
Also, you can play chords on it, but again, it feels a little weird as a guitarist due to the thicker strings.
Where it really comes in to it's own is when you hybridise your playing style. I like to play it as a bass but with a pick at the lower end, then do chords up past the 12th fret. It really sounds great at both once you get used to the feel. Soloing feels lovely on it too.
The sound is quite good, there is a nice bit of versatility between the three pickups.
The tuning can feel a little finnicky and I did have to do a good bit of setting up of the bridge when it arrived as the intonation was way off. This was pretty straightforward however.
Overall this is a great instrument for the price, and I'm very happy that I bought one.