Perfect for smaller bodies and lighter guitars.
The leather feels and looks very nice and stylish, I love how the thin strap looks. The shoulder pad is comfortable and you can adjust it along the length of the strap. The length is adjustable as well, with several pre-punched holes, allowing to fit slimmer bodies, or if you prefer to carry your guitar higher. Once adjusted, it does not come off or become loose with wearing. Note that it is not possible to adjust the length while wearing your guitar. You will have to take it off, or have someone help you.
The only "inconveniece" I've had is that I had to extend one of the slits/holes by few mm to fit my output jack on the bottom of the guitar body, as I do not have a separate strap pin there.
I have only used it with an acoustic and have no complaints, but can't say how comfortable it will be with a heavier electric.