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I wanted to try my way with thumb picks. I thought I will test out these ones. As such there is a learning curve to get used to them, while it is great to have the thumb sound cleaner, I had wished for a closer distance to the strings. And as a left-handed player, the shape suits right-handed players most, something I did not consider when buying (but that is on me). I will test and try these further out further and might be another model once I go back to a physical store, all in all slightly disappointed.
I wanted to try my way with thumb picks. I thought I will test out these ones. As such there is a learning curve to get used to them, while it is great to have the thumb sound cleaner, I had wished for a closer distance to the strings. And as a left-handed player, the shape suits right-handed players most, something I did not consider when buying (but that is on me).
I wanted to try my way with thumb picks. I thought I will test out these ones. As such there is a learning curve to get used to them, while it is great to have the thumb sound cleaner, I had wished for a closer distance to the strings. And as a left-handed player, the shape suits right-handed players most, something I did not consider when buying (but that is on me). I will test and try these further out further and might be another model once I go back to a physical store, all in all slightly disappointed.