The Minotaur Banjo strap is a really fine looking strap. Made from real leather and a fine decorative buckle with three sparkling stones fitted, making it look like the Rhinestone Cowboy's strap. The only problem is, that it is fitted to the banjo by two metal clips and it looks as if these could cause damage to the wooden parts of the banjo after a while, caused by rubbing. I have sorted this out by using a thin leather strap threaded through the banjo head tension brackets just right of the neck, making a loop at the end to take the clip. As long as the strap is long enough to extend past the heel of the banjo, no damage can occur. Another way is to thread a longer strap from the second bracket past the neck of the banjo, all the way through all the tension brackets as far as the arm rest and connect the clips of the Minotaur banjo straps to either end