Looking for a nice strap for my Telecaster, I wanted to avoid leather if possible. No animals seem to have been harmed in the making of this strap, so that's all good.
The strap is super comfortable, the canvas material is quite soft to the touch (reminds me of a Domke canvas camera bag) and I'm sure it will only get more supple as I use it longer. The synthetic ends are very sturdy, quite stiff even, which is a good thing: it takes some effort to attach the strap onto the guitar, and consequently, also to detach it. I feel confident enough without any strap locks (then again, I only use this at home, not jumping around on a live stage ;-)).
Only minor downside might be the strap length adjustment hardware: the buckle is made of solid metal, so you should be a little careful when setting down the guitar, to avoid the metal from slamming into your guitar.