This is the only snare I have, so I use it for basically everything I play: jazz, pop, punk, hard rock, heavy metal, classical and I must say that it particularly shines in the rock genre as much as in other genres. It has a powerful, rich sound with a pleasant low end.
Pros: -Fantastic sound for the price
-Internal dampening system = no moongel or dampening ring needed
-very versatile
-not to heavy
Cons: -the only thing I would point out is that some of the small parts on the snare are made out of materials that are probably relatively cheap, that is why they tend to rust pretty quickly. At least mine did. But I'm just being picky here :)
Overall this is the best snare that I have ever played (to date). I bought 4 years ago and it is still amazing. It's versatility amazes me over and over again.
P.S.: The best drum head that works for me on this one is Evans Genera HD ;)