This bag is perfect for carrying PA equipment. I pack this bag with 4 mic stands, 2 djembe basket stands, 2 speaker stands, 2 sub-to-top arms, a music stand, a drum stool and a percussion table. This thing is enormous and invaluable when you have a lot of hardware. We are in a two piece band and have only a small van so we could not do with a flight case as we don't have the man-power or space for it. If you are in a similar situation I suggest you get this bag! Although if you have a big enough van and the people to carry it, or if you are talking proper drum hardware, get a flight case coffin box.
This bag has been perfect for us, its got acres of space, a shoulder strap and side and front pockets for storing those wee bits and nuts and bolts that can be knocked from your hardware. The padding could be a lot better but, to be honest, its better than what most people have their hardware in. It is just so much handier making the one trip for this.