I bought these locking studs for my PRS SE 245 as a few months after buying it i started to notice a sitarish sound in the high E and A strings.
After some research it would seem that what was causing it was the poor bridge angle, something that would be fixed by these studs.
Although it corrected the angle, the sitar sound was still there (after a proper setup). On top of that, now it is a lot harder to adjust the studs height, as you have to do it with the very poor quality tool that's included. It's hard to access the studs, you will probably scratch the top doing so, and since the retaining bolts are made from a very soft metal you'll probably dent them too in the first use.
So bottom line is, it didn't fixed the sitar sound problem, it made the setups harder and prone to scratching the finish, and you won't be able to return this item and get a refund because it's impossible to open the package without damaging it. Also there's a very high change that you'll dent the retaining bolts after the first use so you'll damage the product .... i really wish i could get a refund as I 100% regret buying these.