Having started playing bass 10 years ago, I decided to buy this bass because i wanted step up my career to a more professional level, and i needed a good (not decent, good) instument. Having it for more than a year for now, I`ve done multiple professional recordings, tens of demos and home recordings, and a gig with my band every week (more than 100 gigs already). What can i say, the bass is comparable to those pro basses costing $1000 and more, its just that good. Always sounding solid and clear, punchy and cutting through the mix when i need it to, mellow and warm when i want it to sound so. It just plays so responsive, thats what distincts a pro instrument from beginner or mid-level instrument, the responsiveness. It just does what you need it to do. What you put into it, it gives you back thru the amp.
Really if I have to name a cons of this bass, the only thing i would say is a weight, thou its a 5-string Jazz, what should I have expected? A lightweight 5-string with a slim fast neck and super-contoured body? Go buy yourself an Ibanez then!)) Although weight of the V7 varies slightly from bass to bass, mine was about 4,2 Kg. A bit on a heavy side for me. To be honest, first 2 months after getting this bass I seriously considered selling it because by back was really problematic. But then i decided to go to gym to fix my health issues, and strenghten my back muscles, and bought myself a wide (like, 3 or 3,5 inch wide) strap, and the problem was gone.
The looks, feel, usability and playability of this bass are great. Preamp gives you a lot of flexibility, too. I could not want anything better, really. I dont even speak about the money, its just good Jazz bass, Im not shy to go to any gig with it. Highly recommend to anybody who wants a versatile pro-grade instrument.