This is a well designed bag, its padded, has handles on the top and on each side, which means there's a couple of different ways to carry your gong.
I tend to loop the top handles over my shoulder and hold the outer side handle with my hand, with the gong in this Front/back orientation on your side, it makes it easy to pass through doorways etc. In this particular orientation it is actually quite easy to carry multiple gongs at once, I regularly carry a 24" gong and my 32" at the same time on the same side of my body, leaving my other arm and hand free to open and close doors etc.
I prefer the handling of this bag rather than alternative brand padded gong bags which have Backpack type straps, because with those you always have to pass through narrow gaps sideways!
Needless to say, I'll be buying Thomann padded gong bags to protect all future gong purchases.