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W 9 przypadkach na 10 HX Stomp XL eliminuje konieczność posiadania i noszenia wzmacniacza. Obecnie nie ma sensu wszędzie targać ze sobą pełnowymiarowego, analogowego zestawu. Mały, kompaktowy, bardzo przyjemnie reagujący na artykulację. Świetny stosunek ceny do jakości.
Great once configured but requires work to get the most from it
wilson_smith 16.11.2021
Once set up and configured correctly the Helix range sound great.
There is quite a bit of a learning curve however, so if you need something to just plug in, twiddle the knobs and go, this is not for you.
Firstly, the stock cabinets suck. they are terrible.
This means you need IR's (Impulse Responses).
Simple explanation is: IR's are the sonic footprint of a particular configuration of gear, but usually various cabinets mic'ed up in different ways.
Line 6 gives a handful free but the best are by a company called OwnHammer, and need to be purchased on the line 6 marketplace at additional cost.
This has meant that its taken a few days to get any reasonable tone out of it.
Second issue is connecting to the pc.
It took a while to find the right drivers and even then, the device seems to need to be " in the mood" to connect. An hour or two got it connected.
Lastly, a big issue is how fussy the device is with USB Ports.
It wont work when plugged into a USB Hub, even a powered one. It keeps disconnecting. It wants dedicated USB ports in a pc.
I have a laptop that has very few connectors, but I use a dock for all the ports i require. Even with the docking station, the stomp disconnects randomly, often during data transfer of IR's or firmware updates.
It works when connecting to the pc, but its just not as solid as I expect. Could never be used live with a pc attached.
Other than that, its pretty good. I think its a tad overpriced but not by a crazy amount.
Overall a decent device with some quirky behavior and requires a lot of effort to get tone out of initially.
Once set up and configured correctly the Helix range sound great.
There is quite a bit of a learning curve however, so if you need something to just plug in, twiddle the knobs and go, this is not for you.
Firstly, the stock cabinets suck. they are terrible.
This means you need IR's (Impulse Responses).
Simple explanation is: IR's are the sonic
Once set up and configured correctly the Helix range sound great.
There is quite a bit of a learning curve however, so if you need something to just plug in, twiddle the knobs and go, this is not for you.
Firstly, the stock cabinets suck. they are terrible.
This means you need IR's (Impulse Responses).
Simple explanation is: IR's are the sonic footprint of a particular configuration of gear, but usually various cabinets mic'ed up in different ways.
Line 6 gives a handful free but the best are by a company called OwnHammer, and need to be purchased on the line 6 marketplace at additional cost.
This has meant that its taken a few days to get any reasonable tone out of it.
Second issue is connecting to the pc.
It took a while to find the right drivers and even then, the device seems to need to be " in the mood" to connect. An hour or two got it connected.
Lastly, a big issue is how fussy the device is with USB Ports.
It wont work when plugged into a USB Hub, even a powered one. It keeps disconnecting. It wants dedicated USB ports in a pc.
I have a laptop that has very few connectors, but I use a dock for all the ports i require. Even with the docking station, the stomp disconnects randomly, often during data transfer of IR's or firmware updates.
It works when connecting to the pc, but its just not as solid as I expect. Could never be used live with a pc attached.
Other than that, its pretty good. I think its a tad overpriced but not by a crazy amount.
Overall a decent device with some quirky behavior and requires a lot of effort to get tone out of initially.
Since I feel the drives and the reverb is a bit under par, I use this together with an Eventide H9, a Jackson audio Golden boy and a Fjord Fuzz Odin. The two drives is in each of the two effect loops of the HX stomp XL. Very flexible and everything controlled via midi from the HX Stomp XL. Easy to program on the pedal itself, compared to other midi controllers where You have to use computer software to change commands.
Since I feel the drives and the reverb is a bit under par, I use this together with an Eventide H9, a Jackson audio Golden boy and a Fjord Fuzz Odin. The two drives is in each of the two effect loops of the HX stomp XL. Very flexible and everything controlled via midi from the HX Stomp XL. Easy to program on the pedal itself, compared to other midi controllers where
Since I feel the drives and the reverb is a bit under par, I use this together with an Eventide H9, a Jackson audio Golden boy and a Fjord Fuzz Odin. The two drives is in each of the two effect loops of the HX stomp XL. Very flexible and everything controlled via midi from the HX Stomp XL. Easy to program on the pedal itself, compared to other midi controllers where You have to use computer software to change commands.
Amazing amp modelling, effects and flexibility for both studio and gig usage. After loooonnnng research I chose HX Stomp XL and I'm in love with it.
Pros: Best sound in the market with full features for professional studio recording and lots of flexibility with the snapshots and footswitchs for all kind of gigs you imagine.
Cons: The Screen is a bit small to look at in the middle of a gig, but perfect for studio. It is not so user friendly to navigate in the beggining ,I took some time to learn, but after you get it you can fly deep in the sound!
Amazing amp modelling, effects and flexibility for both studio and gig usage. After loooonnnng research I chose HX Stomp XL and I'm in love with it.
Pros: Best sound in the market with full features for professional studio recording and lots of flexibility with the snapshots and footswitchs for all kind of gigs you imagine.
Cons: The Screen is a bit small to
Amazing amp modelling, effects and flexibility for both studio and gig usage. After loooonnnng research I chose HX Stomp XL and I'm in love with it.
Pros: Best sound in the market with full features for professional studio recording and lots of flexibility with the snapshots and footswitchs for all kind of gigs you imagine.
Cons: The Screen is a bit small to look at in the middle of a gig, but perfect for studio. It is not so user friendly to navigate in the beggining ,I took some time to learn, but after you get it you can fly deep in the sound!