Yes, Tama hardware is excellent.
But sadly, these newer clamps are not a perfect fit for late 80's Tama hardware with the longer shaped memory lock with the big vertical lip.
I still use some ancient Tama cymbal stands and stuff, which are heavy and therefore bomb proof. Build to last. And still look fantastic. Not the cheapest line back then.
I used this lock to mark a height adjustment. The original memory clamp was lost a long time ago.
These late 80's stands are so reliable (even the nylon bushings still look fresh and clamp tight), that I never needed the memory clamps as a security.
But now I use these stands to clamp mic booms on them. So I went to search for the original memo locks, only to find out they are not to be found anymore, or only on Ebay or abroad, at ridiculous prices.
This one fits the tube, of course, and the lip even clicks into the cut out of the original bushing.
Sadly, it clicks in the opposite direction, so the memory lock has to be placed ecactly in the opposite as the ideal fit to make it look like it belongs.
But that looked terrible, so I decided to place it esthetically correct, without the lip clicking into anything.
I just use it as a pure memory clamp, rather than a security clamp, but it can still function as such nonetheless no matter how you screw it on.