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This is my first didgeridoo. I've bought it as my doctor said didgeridoo might be helpful for snoring and apnea treatment. I can say that it definitely helps as I practice 20 - 30 minutes everyday before going to sleep. Now as I mastered my skills a bit I'm trying to include it into my mixes and it works great for some of my tracks.
Overall it is a win-win for me. Recommended.
I am an owner of the same didge but without decoration and a friend asked me to buy this version that is more "aboriginal".
Both didgeridoos are awesome: after some good practice, you can find your sweet spot and play it for hours! You can also buy some wax for shaping the mouthpiece but I found it pretty comfortable as it is straight out of the box.
The sound is rich, full-bodied with nice highs and bass notes. But the best aspect of this instrument is the price/quality, basically unbeatable and affordable (compared to Eucalyptus ones) for beginners that want to learn how to play a didge and good also for advanced players.
Moreover, the decorations give to this didge a nice touch. Highly recommended!