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This appears to be a solid, well made cable.I haven't fitted it into my rack yet, but I'm confident it will do all that I expect of it.
The cable appears resilient and the termnations to the jack plugs are far sturdier than some alternatives.
I mean how much do you have to write about something that you need to live in the professional audio world like water!
High quality build, excellent connector. Just get longer if you can. That is all I can say.
It is needed to connect from 96i 192i etc to an analogue mixing desk. It does the job exceptionally. No noise, crackle or dry joints. Just as you would want.
I have several of these, one broke recently. Haven't had time to find the problem yet. The connectors are not as sturdy and tight as some other brands who also deliver top sound quality. These DB25 screws are a bit wobbly and the jack cover is easily going lose. Not a big thing, but not the best