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Informacja: Aby opinie na temat sprzętu umieszczane na naszej stronie pochodziły jedynie od osób mających styczność z danym artykułem, umożliwiamy wystawianie ocen jedynie naszym klientom.
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sine years i buy records and protect them with a pvc sleeve around.
then the recordsleeve is a few mm bigger but stays like new.. unfortunately the records do not fit in "the glorious recordbox" anymore ...???
this box is obvious not designed by people who have (collector) records theirselves....0,5 cm more space inside and it would be ok .. so for me the box is useless,.. .i use it now in the studio as glorious empty bottles-box instead .. ;)
sine years i buy records and protect them with a pvc sleeve around.
then the recordsleeve is a few mm bigger but stays like new.. unfortunately the records do not fit in "the glorious recordbox" anymore ...???
this box is obvious not designed by people who have (collector) records theirselves....0,5 cm more space inside and it would be ok .. so for me the
sine years i buy records and protect them with a pvc sleeve around.
then the recordsleeve is a few mm bigger but stays like new.. unfortunately the records do not fit in "the glorious recordbox" anymore ...???
this box is obvious not designed by people who have (collector) records theirselves....0,5 cm more space inside and it would be ok .. so for me the box is useless,.. .i use it now in the studio as glorious empty bottles-box instead .. ;)
Super cheap and super easy to construct.
It's way less money than the wood would cost anywhere!
I am a carpenter...and well, this is like a serious no brainer!!!