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As a drum sceptic I believe at least 95% of a drum's sound is down to the heads and how well it is made.
This snare on initial impression is made well enough to be a very good snare drum. It is slightly off round but not abnormally so and the edges seem to be very flat and smooth. I would advise greasing the "cam" and "slider" on the strainer, after that it works very well. All threads work smoothly even without grease and nearly everything is finished very well and looks excellent. My snare wire had some sharp ends left which may have damaged the head, but after removal of these it's fine. The plastic mouldings need a little trimming. Lower grade metals may have been used but only time will tell if it is strong enough. Unfortunately you never know if materials are bad, and I've had even expensive things fall apart.
I replaced the heads and now it sounds as good as any other snare drum I've played or heard.
As far as I can find out this is made by one of those companies that makes bits for other well known brands so it's extremely good value.
I got this to replace an old pearl snare I was a value buy can be hard to tune but it's well made no major issues.If you were looking for a cheap back up snare for live use it would do the job.