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This bowl has a diameter of approx. 28.5 cm and a height of approx. 11 cm
This singing bowl offers a sound for the abdomen, which can be varied with different mallets
Struck with a large (soft) mallet lower sounds for the abdomen will be emitted, and with a medium hard mallet sounds for the solar plexus (above the navel) will be created.
The large pelvic bowl is stronger in sound intensity and is preferred for professional use
Informacja: Aby opinie na temat sprzętu umieszczane na naszej stronie pochodziły jedynie od osób mających styczność z danym artykułem, umożliwiamy wystawianie ocen jedynie naszym klientom.
Opinie można wystawiać po zalogowaniu się w centrum klienta, używając opcji "wystaw opinię".
I purchased 3 singing bowls. The quality is excellent, however they are only good for healing or played in hand as the volume level is very low. They need to be struck with a hard mallet and hit too harshly for a group session.
I know you can mic them up, but it's extra gear I don't need for sound baths.
But for 1-2-1 work, very good. But still need a heavy mallet
You can also find the economic operator responsible for the product on the respective product, its packaging, or in a document accompanying the product.
Safety Warnings
Specific safety instructions applicable to the product can be found in the user guide.