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SSL Fusion


Analogowy główny procesor stereo

  • Zawiera 6 nowych obwodów do przetwarzania sygnału i koloryzacji dźwięku w jednym urządzeniu
  • Vintage Drive: poziom nasycenia dla podtekstów harmonicznych i subtelnej kompresji
  • Violet EQ: Nowo opracowany 2-pasmowy korektor (charakterystyka półkowa) z 4 wybieranymi częstotliwościami na pasmo i skokiem +/- 9 dB.
  • Kompresor wysokich częstotliwości: kompresor z selekcją częstotliwości do zaokrąglania zakresu wysokich częstotliwości i kontrolowania niepożądanych transjentów
  • Obraz stereo: analogowa matryca M/S do poszerzania stereo
  • Transformator: przełączany transformator SSL do subtelnego podkreślenia zakresu tonów niskich i wysokich
  • Listen Mic Compressor: potężna kompresja z dużą siłą uderzenia, idealna na przykład do bębnów, a także do kompresji równoległej za pomocą sterowania suchym/mokrym
  • Przełączany Insert
  • Regulacja poziomu wejściowego i wyjściowego
  • Przełączanly filtr górnoprzepustowy przy 3 częstotliwościach
  • Wskaźnik poziomu
  • Przełącznik Bypasów
  • 2 wejścia XLR
  • 2 wyjścia XLR
  • Wymiary: 19", 2 U
Produkt dostępny od Grudzień 2018
Numer artykułu 450167
Jednostka sprzedaży 1 szt.
Compressor Yes
Gate No
Peak Limiter No
2-Channel Unit Yes
Attack/Release Adjustable No
Channels 2
19" Rack Compatible 1
Number of Input Channels 2
Frequency Bands 2
Height units 2 U
Connectors XLR
Pokaż więcej
6 790 zł
Ceny z podatkiem VAT
Dostępny w magazynie
Dostępny w magazynie

Produkt jest dostępny w magazynie.

Informacje dotyczące wysyłki
Darmowa dostawa spodziewana pomiędzy Poniedziałek, 17.02. a Wtorek, 18.02.
przyglądają się temu produktowi
Ranking sprzedaży
w Kompresory / Bramki / De-essery

124 Oceny klientów

4.9 / 5

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76 Opinie

Amazing piece of gear for adding analogue colour to In The Box mixes!
Krzysztof Kessler 20.05.2023
SSL Fusion sounds absolutelty amazing. Not a single video on YouTube I found actually shows the full potential of the unit (probably due to YouTube compression). It really does add the depth, space and clarity that I don't think I would ever get with plugins. Sound is 10/10.

I's a bit heavy, but definitely well made, the front plate finish looks similar to their UF8 DAW Controller plate which is great for consistent looks. Knobs are great in touch, metering on the output is very nice addition.

I would say it's almost perfect. Master bypass if very appreciated, Input and Output trim knobs without any coloration are a great addition, each module having a ON/OFF button is great, insert with an option to change from L/R into M/S and change the position (either after all SSL Modules or before the EQ Module) - all of those make up for great workfrlow.

I've got only 3 SMALL issues with the unit:

- the only stepped knobs are the High Pass Filter selector and EQ frequency selector. All other knobs are not stepped (Apart from the point 0 on each which does click when you set it to) - would be nice to have all of the knobs stepped for recall. But in the end, not a massive problem.

- the power switch for the unit is at the back - that I really wish was on the front, as once it's inserted into a studio desk, you have to have it on all the time or have a dedicated power conditioner for that unit just to turn it on only when you wanna use it - not a big deal for massive studios, but for freelance engineers with home studio setup and 1 power conditioner to which everything else is connected, it can be a bit annoying not being able to switch it off simply by clicking a button on the front.

- not nescesairly an issue, but somethnig that does bother my OCD - for all the knobs with boost / cut parameter the minimal value on the graph / lines is either 0.5 or 1 - apart from the EQ. The minimal readable boost / cut value on the EQ seems to be 0.75 - which does become problematic if you boost a bit more and have to take a moment to actually make sure you're writing down proper amount for recall. Again, not a big deal, might as well take a picture, but it's just something weird I noticed standing out from all other knobs.

Definitely worth the money. Loving the unit. 10/10
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Wystąpił błąd. Proszę spróbować później.
All in one
SoundGame 01.12.2021
SSL making very good gears for modern studios, this was shocked me when it release. You can use it anywhere you want. my favorite was on 2bus and master. Any section of this device was very good, is hard to sound bad. The insert was really useful. Can have so many combo. The build quality was so Good. Very happy to have Fusion on my chain.
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google translate gb
Wystąpił błąd. Proszę spróbować później.
Just okay and yet "assembled" in China
Barry Junius 03.08.2023
SSL Fusion worth the hype? might be. But I found that this unit did not blown my mind away. Firstly, I had bad experience with other item from SSL (that they did not soldered some component inside and makes me to open and repair myself), I asume that they lowering the working labour budget and comes with lower quality checking and the material of the product.

I guess it is the same with this Fusion. Beautiful unit in the picture and video, but again, did not impressed me much in reality. Have to say that this SSL's great and versatile in functionality aspect but sorry to try as realistic as possible but I really not sure it will last for two decades or so. Previously I want to buy SSL THE BUS+ after this fusion, but now I change my mind and after a Tegeler VTC / VTRC or Creme. Or if possible I will go for the Avalon products. Some product that not made or assembled in CHina
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google translate gb
Wystąpił błąd. Proszę spróbować później.
Amazing device
Vidi 27.11.2019
I had to wait a long time for this beast but it was worth it. When I finally received it, it had a bent rack ear due to bad handling by the transport company. Luckily, Thomann did a good job in swiftly exchanging it with another one, so no complaints there.
As for use, it's simply a big step up if you work in the box. The EQ is stunning, and I especially like the Width functionality.
In short, quality doesn't come cheap, but this is really a good investement if you're serious with your sound.
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