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Just like with cars, there are a lot of drum hardware brands out there. Some of them have got really good stuff.
Some of them goodlooking, some of them not.
Some of them work well, some of them not.
Some of them last a long time, some of them not.
But some have got it all right, including a legendary name.
Tama is one of those legendary brands in drums & hardware, and their stuff is goodlooking, very durable and it's innovative all at the same time.
I still have stuff from them back from the days I started making music...had a rough life, but to this day it still works and looks good.
All those reviews you read here telling the same story: they're all true.
One buyer even wrote that your kids will be able to use your Tama equipment after you die, and he wasn't exaggerating.
It's extremely durable. Tough. From the screws to the smallest of rivets to the mechanisms, everything. Even the chroming.
I contemplated long before buying this boom.
A short boom arm.
I decided I needed an extra splash floating between my hi-hat and hi-tom, as an extra left-hand percussive splash positioned under the main left crash, which I put up high.
There were several options available with Z-rods, all kinds of cymbal rods and clamps I already possessed, but I wanted a boom-arm.
Because I use a Gibraltar SC-PM 3-way adapterarm on a Gibraltar side wing holding 2 booms already: 1 boom arm with a double splash going to the middle between hi-tom + mid-tom, and 1 Tama straight pipe with the left main crash cymbal. (this is one of those oldies)
So I had a spare clamping hole left in the SC-PM, and using a cymbal boom not only takes about the same amount of time to set up as a Z-rod with clamp, it also looks better. And it's better to memorize with memo-locks.
First my eye went to Gibraltar, which has a nice heavy duty model. With all the Tama specs, including 2 memo-locks
The Tama is €23 more expensive, and has no memo-locks.
I have no trouble mixing up brands of hardware, but a cymbal boom is very visible, and I aim for esthetics now more since I started making clips with my fellow musicians.
The Tama boom looks better than the Gibraltar, to me.
And since my main crash straight pipe is an old Tama also, and with all those years in between them they still have a similar shape, I bought the Tama.
It also means I can use this new boom into the base of the old Tama cymbal stand, instead of the straight pipe, should the need occur.
So I bought some extra memo-locks with it.
Back to the speed of set up: I can now take the whole Gibraltar SC-PM off the rack with all the 3 pipes still attached to it, and put it in the hardware case.
I take the boom-rods seperate because of the memo-locks, but it means no more guessing during the next build up.
I don't have to tell you about how this top brand item works flawless.
Many in these reviews have already told it.
This just a story about why someone buys a 66€ item while something half the price could also fulfill the same function.
Just like with cars, there are a lot of drum hardware brands out there. Some of them have got really good stuff.
Some of them goodlooking, some of them not.
Some of them work well, some of them not.
Some of them last a long time, some of them not.
But some have got it all right, including a legendary name.
Tama is one of those legendary
Just like with cars, there are a lot of drum hardware brands out there. Some of them have got really good stuff.
Some of them goodlooking, some of them not.
Some of them work well, some of them not.
Some of them last a long time, some of them not.
But some have got it all right, including a legendary name.
Tama is one of those legendary brands in drums & hardware, and their stuff is goodlooking, very durable and it's innovative all at the same time.
I still have stuff from them back from the days I started making music...had a rough life, but to this day it still works and looks good.
All those reviews you read here telling the same story: they're all true.
One buyer even wrote that your kids will be able to use your Tama equipment after you die, and he wasn't exaggerating.
It's extremely durable. Tough. From the screws to the smallest of rivets to the mechanisms, everything. Even the chroming.
I contemplated long before buying this boom.
A short boom arm.
I decided I needed an extra splash floating between my hi-hat and hi-tom, as an extra left-hand percussive splash positioned under the main left crash, which I put up high.
There were several options available with Z-rods, all kinds of cymbal rods and clamps I already possessed, but I wanted a boom-arm.
Because I use a Gibraltar SC-PM 3-way adapterarm on a Gibraltar side wing holding 2 booms already: 1 boom arm with a double splash going to the middle between hi-tom + mid-tom, and 1 Tama straight pipe with the left main crash cymbal. (this is one of those oldies)
So I had a spare clamping hole left in the SC-PM, and using a cymbal boom not only takes about the same amount of time to set up as a Z-rod with clamp, it also looks better. And it's better to memorize with memo-locks.
First my eye went to Gibraltar, which has a nice heavy duty model. With all the Tama specs, including 2 memo-locks
The Tama is €23 more expensive, and has no memo-locks.
I have no trouble mixing up brands of hardware, but a cymbal boom is very visible, and I aim for esthetics now more since I started making clips with my fellow musicians.
The Tama boom looks better than the Gibraltar, to me.
And since my main crash straight pipe is an old Tama also, and with all those years in between them they still have a similar shape, I bought the Tama.
It also means I can use this new boom into the base of the old Tama cymbal stand, instead of the straight pipe, should the need occur.
So I bought some extra memo-locks with it.
Back to the speed of set up: I can now take the whole Gibraltar SC-PM off the rack with all the 3 pipes still attached to it, and put it in the hardware case.
I take the boom-rods seperate because of the memo-locks, but it means no more guessing during the next build up.
I don't have to tell you about how this top brand item works flawless.
Many in these reviews have already told it.
This just a story about why someone buys a 66€ item while something half the price could also fulfill the same function.
I use this holder on the drum rack. I'm very pleased with it because it is the ideal length and it is easy to handle with him but remains stable and sturdy. Tama cymbal QC8 mate is a great thing that simplify stacking drums.
There is also longer model of the arm but I bought this short model (30cm) because it's enouhg for me and I don't have too much excess pipes.
ich spiele eigentlich nur noch mit hardware von tama, da die verarbeitung, das handling & die haltbarkeit einfach nur spitze sind - da machen die beckenarme auch keine ausnahme.
gerade für rack-drummer sind die teile goldwert, weil da nix verrutscht (wie es schon mal bei billig-teilen der fall ist) & auch nach zig mal auf- & abbauen keine schraube ausgeleiert ist.
zudem ist der "memory" effekt beim zusammenstecken echt stark: man kann den dünnen beckenarm aus dem haltearm rausnehmen, ohne dabei die winkeleinstellung des galgens verstellen zu müssen, da hier 2 schrauben unabhängig voneinander betätigt werden können - so ein feature hat glaub ich nicht jeder hersteller.
großes plus zudem: viele beckenarme haben ja noch das alte plastikhülsen & flügelmutter-system zur becken-aufnahme - was mir niemals gefallen hat, da die plastikschläuche dermaßen schnell durchgeranzt sind & dann die gefahr eines keyholes größer ist; tama hat gott sei dank entweder sehr stabile kunststoffschrauben oder neuerdings ebenfalls sehr stabile auflegscheiben aus kunststoff mit beidseitiger hülse - also kann man das teil einfach umdrehen, wenn eine hülse vom becken durchgescheuert wurde. also hat man quasi 2 hülsen in einer.
natürlich sind die tama teile nicht die billigsten, aber gemäß dem firmenmotto "the strongest name in drums" halten die teile jahrelang durch, ohne gewindeschaden nach unendlichen auf-/abbauten oder große rostattacken.
langfristig gesehen sind die tama beckenarme DIE investition für den modernen drummer.
ich spiele eigentlich nur noch mit hardware von tama, da die verarbeitung, das handling & die haltbarkeit einfach nur spitze sind - da machen die beckenarme auch keine ausnahme.
gerade für rack-drummer sind die teile goldwert, weil da nix verrutscht (wie es schon mal bei billig-teilen der fall ist) & auch nach zig mal auf- & abbauen keine schraube
ich spiele eigentlich nur noch mit hardware von tama, da die verarbeitung, das handling & die haltbarkeit einfach nur spitze sind - da machen die beckenarme auch keine ausnahme.
gerade für rack-drummer sind die teile goldwert, weil da nix verrutscht (wie es schon mal bei billig-teilen der fall ist) & auch nach zig mal auf- & abbauen keine schraube ausgeleiert ist.
zudem ist der "memory" effekt beim zusammenstecken echt stark: man kann den dünnen beckenarm aus dem haltearm rausnehmen, ohne dabei die winkeleinstellung des galgens verstellen zu müssen, da hier 2 schrauben unabhängig voneinander betätigt werden können - so ein feature hat glaub ich nicht jeder hersteller.
großes plus zudem: viele beckenarme haben ja noch das alte plastikhülsen & flügelmutter-system zur becken-aufnahme - was mir niemals gefallen hat, da die plastikschläuche dermaßen schnell durchgeranzt sind & dann die gefahr eines keyholes größer ist; tama hat gott sei dank entweder sehr stabile kunststoffschrauben oder neuerdings ebenfalls sehr stabile auflegscheiben aus kunststoff mit beidseitiger hülse - also kann man das teil einfach umdrehen, wenn eine hülse vom becken durchgescheuert wurde. also hat man quasi 2 hülsen in einer.
natürlich sind die tama teile nicht die billigsten, aber gemäß dem firmenmotto "the strongest name in drums" halten die teile jahrelang durch, ohne gewindeschaden nach unendlichen auf-/abbauten oder große rostattacken.
langfristig gesehen sind die tama beckenarme DIE investition für den modernen drummer.